Sonicguitars JAZZREVERB II 150 Deluxe 2019

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New, Used, Vintage Stuff

Make: Sonicguitars

Model: JAZZREVERB II 150 Deluxe

Year: 2019

Condition: New

Price: 1500.00

Single-channel guitar amplifier, ALL TUBE preamp, superclean, all tube EFFECT SEND/RETURN, remarkable headroom thanks to a 150 watt RMS class D-class hi-end poweramp. High-quality clean sound with a transparent Accutronics digital reverb. Superb performance in jazz sound. Jensen 12 " speaker, dual master VOLUME switchable via pedal switch.
The weight of only 12 Kg makes it extremely convenient to carry. Designed to maintain high-volume clean sound, works really well with pedals and stompboxes, even overdrives and distortions are particularly well-defined and dynamic. 
CONTROLS: Bass, Mid, Treble, Vol2, Vol1, Gain Mix, Reverb, Decay.
The RECORDING OUT allow you to go straight to the mix, DAW or other line input
STANDBY SWITCH allow you to disable power amp and use the amplifer in silent mode

JAZZREVERB 150 DeluxeAmplificatore valvolare per chitarra monocanale, preamp completamente valvolare, superclean, headroom notevole grazie ad un finale hi-end in classe D da 150 watt RMS su 8. Clean di altissima qualita' abbinato ad un reverbero digitale Accutronics trasparentissimo. Prestazioni superlative nelle sonorita' jazz e ovunque sia richiesto un clean impeccabile. Jensen speaker da 12", il peso di circa 12 Kg lo rende estremamente comodo da trasportare. Concepito per mantenere un sound pulito a volumi elevati, rende particolarmente performanti i pedali effetto, anche OVERDRIVE e DISTORSION risultano particolarmente definiti e dinamici. CONTROLLI: Bass, Mid, Treble, Vol2, Vol1, Gain Mix, Reverb, Decay. Mandata effetti VALVOLARE. Il doppio MASTER consente di avere due livelli di volume switchabili tramite pedale incluso. La RECORDING OUT consente di andare al banco mix, scheda audio o qualsiasi fonte di registrazione con la risposta in frequenza della speaker da chitarra e lo STANDBY SWITCH consente di disabilitare il finale ed usare solo la RECORDING OUT per il playback
DIMENSIONI: 45 x 43 x 28

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Ships from Varese, Italy
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Publication date: Sep 23, 2019

Views: 7064

Type: Amplifiers


Quantity: 1

Seller: Sonicguitars, handmade guitars,basses, amps & effects

Joined Guitars Exchange: Feb 23, 2015

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